Women of Power

Ky’Liin Johnson-Cooper is a perfect example of a well-rounded student-athlete. She not only gives it her all on the basketball court and the track, but she also gives back to her community.

Last month, Ky’Liin was inducted into Women of Power, an elective and program at Carver Middle School. The vision of Women of Power is to help girls build their confidence, courage, compassion, character, and cultural awareness. Ky’Liin was also selected to be the Vice President for this year’s class.

Traci Manuel, teacher and Program Director of Women of Power said that Ky’Liin was selected because she’s a well-rounded student. “I based it on the recommendations that I received. Many of Ky’Liin’s teachers praised her for being a leader in the classroom, prioritizing her studies, and being an astute individual,” said Manuel.

Through sisterhood, Women of Power creates an opportunity for girls to make deep and lasting connections. Sisterhood is important to Ky’Liin because it gives her an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with her peers.

“The significance of an organization like Women of Power is to help young women acknowledge their power and to learn how to use it in the world,” said Ky’Liin.

Ky’Liin may be young but she’s already forging her own path to inspire and empower girls to make a difference in the world through sports and volunteering in her community.

While most people generally believe that sports only teach you how to win games or be physically strong, we believe sports have a far greater impact on a girl’s life. Sports help you develop real-world skills that can be applied to all areas of life.

Says Ky’Liin, “Basketball has contributed to my leaderships skills for being the Vice President of Women of Power. On the basketball court, I have learned to communicate with my teammates and lead by example.”

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