So you’ve decided that you’re ready for a fresh start to kick off the new month: set new goals, try new things, or make your next move. 

Buuut now that the initial rush of excitement has turned into a wave of anxiety, you’re wondering if you have what it takes.

Pause. Take a deep breath. Now exhale all that nervous energy out of your body because you can do this. 

Figure out how you’re getting there. If you’re hoping to make a change, set clear goals to get your plan together. Without a clear goal, it is difficult to reach your goals. Making a plan helps break your goals down. When you have action steps to take, achieving your goals becomes realistic.

Try new things. If what you did before didn’t work, try something different. Yes, it will mean you’ll be out of your comfort zone, but it’ll be worth it in the long run. Thinking about different ways of reaching goals makes you more likely to succeed. Trying new things to reach your goals allows you to step back and see the big picture. 

Make your next move. Now that you have your plan together, it’s time to start. It can feel overwhelming to make your next move but think about the goals you have set for yourself. And trust us – you will be successful.

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